CRC is a move of God that was birthed under the leadership of Pastor At Boshoff in 1994 in South Africa, with a clear mandate from God to Win the Lost at any Cost.
With the vision of CRC being building one Church in many locations, nationally and internationally, Pastor Geoffrey De Bruin was released in 2016 to form CRC Edinburgh in Scotland.
With this passionate persuasion, we continue to build this movement for the glory of God! We treat each day as yet another opportunity to reach more souls, to live passionately, do God’s will and demonstrate His goodness to all mankind!
CRC is you, and you are CRC, even though we are very purpose-driven, we are still one big family. Together, we are the authors of this incredible story for God's glory! We never despise the days of small beginnings, but we look ahead, and we lift our heads to the heavens as we acknowledge where our strength comes from.
Building one church in many locations, nationally and internationally!
Mend the nets, the catch will be great. To train and release every member for ministry, caring for, discipling and evangelising our community.
Win the lost at any cost!

We believe that we are called to make a difference in the world that we live in. At CRC, we strive to stimulate growth in our members through relevant teaching, passionate worship, loving care and small group interaction (Homecells), by releasing members to function in their gifts and talents and by encouraging them to reach out to others. If you are looking for a church where you can experience love and where you can fulfil your God-given potential, we trust that you will find a home at CRC.
It is the dream of CRC to be an oasis of life in this city where the hurting, the depressed, the sick, the frustrated and the confused can find love, acceptance, help, hope, healing, forgiveness, guidance and encouragement.
It is our dream to feed the poor, to clothe the naked and to take care of orphans and widows.
It is the dream of CRC to effectively share the Good News of Jesus Christ with every man, woman and child.
It is the dream of CRC to welcome a tithe of our cities as members into the fellowship of our Church family, loving, learning, laughing and living in harmony together and fulfilling God’s vision for us.
It is the dream of CRC to develop every incoming member to spiritual maturity, ministering to the whole man (spirit, soul and body) through small groups, seminars, retreats, bible studies and a Bible School for our members.
It is the dream of CRC to equip every member for significant ministry helping them discover the gifts and talents God has given them.
It is the dream of CRC to be a Lighthouse to the nations, a mission base regularly sending out missionaries to the four corners of the earth.
It is the dream of CRC to have suitable, practical but yet beautiful facilities designed to minister to the total person, spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially. These facilities will include a worship auditorium seating thousands, recreation facilities, children facilities, Bible School, several fellowship halls, administration facilities and schools.
It is our dream to have a farm with rehabilitation facilities, industry warehouses, orphanages, old age homes and serval community centres in our city.
I confidently state that these dreams will become a reality because they are inspired by God

Born in 1964, At Boshoff grew up in Bloemfontein. In 1986 he received the call into ministry and completed three years of Bible school in the local Church. He immediately started on a road of Christian service within his local Church, which led him to youth outreaches in his hometown and missionary trips into Africa. Together with his wife Pastor Nyretta, he founded a very successful Church in Ladybrand which led to the establishing of CRC Bloemfontein in 1994.

Pastor Geoffrey de Bruin and his wife Pastor Meggie, surrendered their lives to Christ in 2004 and have been committed members of CRC London, serving under the senior leadership of Pastor Thabo and Karen Marais since 2009. As individuals and as a couple, both became wholeheartedly devoted to serving the vision of CRC after being baptised and planted in CRC London. Pastor Geoffrey joined the ministry in 2009, serving as Zone Co-ordinator, Zone Pastor and later District Pastor before being released to establish CRC Scotland in 2016.

Our churches are located in Edinburgh and Glasgow, where one of our friendly Ushers will greet you and take you to your seats. You will experience passionate worship and a fire-filled Word from Pastor Geoffrey De Bruin in our service. Truly life-changing.
Why not take kids to Kids church if you have a little one? At CRC Edinburgh, we want to create a soul-winning generation. So get in touch with one of our Ushers in red t-shirts who will direct you to our kids' church room.
We even have our mum's and baby room where you can live-stream our service and keep your little one engaged.
If you need any more information, please get in touch using the contact link above.